2023 Let's Cook Hungarian Challenge - Hungarian Living
2023 Let’s Cook Hungarian Challenge
January 20, 2023

Since 2018, we have been hosting the Let’s Cook Hungarian Challenge. The main goal of this program is to get you into your kitchen and encourage you to make some delicious Hungarian foods and desserts so they are a regular part of your rotation for celebrations and special events.

If you have been with us on this journey for a few years, you know we have changed a variety of elements as we have gone along. And, this year, we are putting you in the driver’s seat! While I can assign cooking projects all day long, it is also nice to create your own plan that takes into account your food preferences, dietary needs, what is seasonal in your corner of the world, and budget. There is nothing more frustrating than being assigned a dairy heavy project when you have dairy restrictions. Do you know what I mean? So, to allow for better planning, we have designed a blank month-by-month sheet where you can plan with the entire year in mind. You will find a link to download it below.

Make your plan and put it on the refrigerator or someplace where you can see it. As you are making your plan for the year, think of that special friend who has always wanted to make chicken paprikas with you and set a date for a fun afternoon. Do you have a special niece/nephew or grandchild who wants to cook with you? Make a date, decide on a recipe, and set aside the time to do it. Do you have some family recipes you have been wanting to try, use them to fill out your year plan!

Of course, we have some recipe ideas HERE. We also offer several cookbooks for sale at The Hungarian Store. But, you may have your own cookbooks, which will work perfectly. Need more inspiration? You can also use a recipe you find online. Coming up with a general plan shouldn’t be too hard. You don’t have to overcomplicate it. What are 12 Hungarian things you are interested in eating over the course of this next year? Write them down! Remember, the goal is for us to be in our kitchens making our favorite Hungarian foods and maybe even sharing it with the people we care about.

Want to dig a little deeper into this project? Sign up for Hungarian Food Memories Journal Pages. See all those details HERE!

Have fun and let me know if you have any questions!

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