Let’s Learn Hungarian Songs
October 5, 2021

Music makes an impression — even when we don’t know what the words mean!

Do you recall your parents or grandparents singing certain songs in Hungarian? There may be several Hungarian songs are a part of the oral tradition in your family. Maybe you remember singing them as a child but have forgotten the words or the melodies. Let’s talk about those songs!

We are working on several opportunities to explore Hungarian songs that are more well-known to American Hungarians. We’ll learn what is a folk song and what isn’t. We’ll listen to the songs, discover the meaning behind the words, and then we will sing them! It will be fun to explore Hungarian language in a new way and solve the mystery about what our parents and grandparents were singing about! 

If you have a song you want to learn more about, now is a good time to mention it in the comments, even if you aren’t sure of the title but only remember a phrase or two!

Let me know via email if you are interested — message me at [email protected] and be sure to put Hungarian Songs in the subject line.

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