A Survey of Hungarian History
February 14, 2024
Hungarian Living
Hungarian Living
A Survey of Hungarian History

A Survey of Hungarian History Class

Register Here!

Today on the podcast I am talking about our upcoming Survey of Hungarian History class. Stay tuned to learn more about it

Hi it’s Liz and welcome to this episode of the Hungarian Living Podcast.

When I visit Hungary, I love hearing about the history of the medieval castles, the mansions and palaces, and the traditions and festivals that celebrate everything under the sun. Even though I have visited Hungary multiple times, I feel like things are just starting to sink in.

When I am working on genealogy and wondering why my family members left when they did, it is helpful to think about what was happening in Hungary during the time my family left. And what life might have been like for those that remained in Hungary. Learning about the history helps put my family and their struggles into perspective for me.

Are you putting the pieces together of your family tree? Are you trying to understand the history of Hungary and figure out how the Hapsburgs and the Treaty of Trianon might have impacted your family? Have you wondered about the Hungarian saints: István, László, Erzsébet and Margit?

Or famous Hungarians like Kossuth Lajos, Széchenyi István, Petőfi Sándor, Deák Ferenc

All of these situations and people – and more – have left their indelible mark on Hungary. Learning about them helps open my mind to the people of Hungary, their lives, and their struggles.

Join us for our Survey of Hungarian History Class where, in 5 sessions, we will learn about these things and more.

You can register at TheHungarianStore.com under the online classes area or check the link in the show notes.

This Hungarian history class will meet on Google Meet for 5 sessions: February 23 and March 1, 8, 15, 22 Class will meet on Fridays for one hour from 12-1pm, ET

Register Here!

During each session we will learn some general information about Hungarian history including geography, the important people, and the change of the landscape through the lens of events in world history.

Anna Békés is the instructor for this class. She is a recently retired teacher in Hungary and taught history, literature, and Hungarian grammar. She loves traveling, learning other languages, and cooking. She lives in Budapest with her husband.

The Hungarian Store.com to register and I hope to see you in class!

Have a great week!

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