Hungarian Christmas Songs
Episode 77 Part 4 Celebrating Christmas with Hungarian Style on the Hungarian Living Podcast.
I grew up hearing lovely Christmas carols in Hungarian. I am sure hearing the sounds of Hungarian — and repeating them — has helped me in my pronunciation as I have been more intentional about learning Hungarian in the last several years. I am thankful my mom played these songs during the Christmas season every year. Hearing the songs brings back some nice memories.
I remember our home being visited by church members from one of the Hungarian churches in Youngstown, Ohio during mid December when the air was crisp and cold and there was snow on the ground. The carolers would come and sing Hungarian Christmas carols outside our window. My mom wasn’t elderly so maybe they just did it for fun because they knew she knew Hungarian.
I suspect there are many aging Hungarian speakers in the US either who are recent immigrants, homebound, in an assisted living facility, or in a nursing home. I would like to encourage you to get 3 or more people together who enjoy singing (they don’t even have to be Hungarian) and consider learning and singing a few Hungarian Christmas carols this Christmas season for people who might truly appreciate them.
We have a Hungarian Christmas carol book that can help you with this project. And, if you want to send Hungarian Christmas cards, we have several to choose from at The Hungarian Store.
Enjoy this season and enjoy celebrating it with Hungarian style! We’ll have another idea for you in part 5 of this series. Please recommend our podcast to a friend who loves their Hungarian heritage!