Hi, it’s Liz –welcome to The Hungarian Living Podcast. Today our topic is about family recipes and how to pass them along.
If you haven’t noticed, life is flying by. I am in my late 50s and I am really starting to think about what information I am leaving behind for my family. What are the important things to share? Have I shared them in a way that makes it easy for them to access?
We have a basement wih lots of boxes full of documents and important information. And while that is its own project, what I am talking about here is a collection of your treasured family recipes that can be printed and shared and handed to anyone and everyone in the family. Even before they think they want it!
I am a pretty decent cook and baker. And I want my kids and grandkids to have our family recipes gathered so they can make them for years to come, even when I am not around to cook for them or teach them.
Where are your family favorite recipes? Have you been wanting to gather them together but haven’t set aside the time?
Believe me, I completely understand. Life can be busy. But this is such an important task so,
Let’s do it –
Are your family favorites in 8 different cookbooks, on the backs of envelopes, on sticky notes, printed on paper, on recipe cards, in files on your computer, and in your head?
How on earth will your people be able to recreate their favorites if you don’t gather and share the information with them?
It is so easy for these important recipes to get lost.
Our Family Favorites Recipe Workshop is all about Collecting Recipes for the Generations and is designed to help you get moving on this special project. Let’s gather the important family recipes in one place so these favorites don’t get lost and forgotten! This is a great gift for your cousins, siblings, nieces and nephews, and grandchildren..
Once you have the collection of recipes started, you can always add to them and use some of the creative ideas we will be sharing to make your project very personal. It will be a wonderful gift to give!
Grab your cousin, your mom, or your best friend and join us on Zoom for this two day workshop! It’s open to anyone — Hungarian heritage is not required!
We’ll work together and have fun doing a task that we all know we need to do but just haven’t set aside the time to do it.
Eanh participant can create the project the way they want – we’ll talk about the tools and various options available and discuss the creative ways you can make this project very meaningful and personal.
AND…..Class members will be invited to submit two of their treasured family recipes during class. We will combine these recipes into an e-book of family favorites and each contributor will receive a copy of the recipes. This means you will walk away with other family favorite recipes, too! And, who knows, they might become your new favorites!
If you have been a part of this class previously and want to continue working on your project and meet fun, new people you are welcome to be a part of the class again at no extra charge, just send me an email at [email protected]
Class meets on
Saturday, March 2, and
Saturday, March 9, 2024
From 2:00-3:30pm, Eastern time
All the details will be in the show notes but you can visit TheHungarianStore.com and look under the online classes area just be sure to look for
Family Favorites Recipe Workshop: Collecting Recipes for the Generations
And sign up. We would love to meet you there!