Traditional Hungarian Christmas Treats
September 10, 2020
Hungarian Living
Hungarian Living
Traditional Hungarian Christmas Treats

In this episode I visit with Tünde Dugantsi!

October is a great month to get into the kitchen and make some fun and traditional Hungarian holiday treats! Carve out the first two weekends and pick one, two, or all three classes! Learn all about these three Hungarian Christmas decorations! Our classes include Mézeskalács — Hungarian honey cakes, Szaloncukor — traditional Hungarian Christmas candy, and Habcsók — meringue circles.

Edible Christmas decorations are a big part of Hungarian Christmas traditions!

Mézeskalács — Hungarian honey cakes

The process takes multiple days, as the dough has to age, the cookies have to sit and the base icing has to dry before the details. So we will learn mézeskalács in four days (two weekends). You can make these cookies to be ornaments, centerpieces, candle holders or gifts.

Szaloncukor — traditional Hungarian Christmas candy

Tunde will share three recipes for these candies as well as the process but you can also make your own candy to put inside!

Habcsók — meringue circles

An easy way to liven up your Christmas tree!

Classes will meet on Zoom.

Classes are interactive.

Classes will not be recorded so we can all relax and have fun!

One registration is for one device and the whole family can watch – make this a family project!

Take the class “with” a family member who lives somewhere else and share the experience together!

How to find Tunde:

Tunde mentioned CookieCon — find more info here

Tunde has designed cookie cutters for Ann Clark —

Check out the classes available through Magyar Marketing

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