On January 22, 1823, Ferenc Kölcsey, a Hungarian poet, completed the manuscript of his poem “Himnusz.” Ferenc Erkel set this poem to music. It was many years later that it was officially declared the National Anthem of Hungary.
This anthem is played throughout the United States when Hungarians get together to commemorate Hungarian national holidays. Most people only seem to only know the first verse. I decided to commit it to memory because it is much easier to have it memorized then to look for a sheet of paper that has the himnusz written on it.
We also offer a coffee mug with the words to the Himnusz at The Hungarian Store.
Magyar Himnusz (first verse)
by Ferenc Kölcsey
Isten áldd meg a magyart.
Jó kedvvel bőséggel,
Nyújts feléje védő kart
Ha küzd ellenséggel.
Bal sors, akit régen tép,
Hozz rá víg esztendőt, Megbűnhődte már e nép,
A múltat s jövendőt.
Hungarian National Anthem (first verse)
(Translated into English)
Gracious God, bless the Magyar
With good cheer, prosperity,
In the ravages of war,
Shield them from adversity;
Whom from old ill fate has torn,
Bring us to a happy morn!
Long have we atoned and mourn for past and years unborn!
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