Let’s Learn Hungarian Folk Art
October 5, 2021

Hungarian Folk Art — there are so many regions as well as folk art expressions — where do we start? We have some ideas, for sure.

Would you like to learn about the different Hungarian folk art regions? Do you have any specific regions that have caught your attention? These would be informational classes.

Would you like to learn how to do some traditional Hungarian folk art? We have some projects and topics in mind but we would love to hear from you! We have been meeting some wonderful people who have some special skills and they would love to share them. These would be classes where you need to have supplies and we would learn how to do specific projects together.

If you are like me and you don’t live near a Hungarian community, you know that in order to learn more you need to find those people who know the information. It just so happens that we know a few. So, think it over and let me know what you want to learn about! We will keep you informed as this concept develops but we don’t want to make a plan out of our own heads. Your ideas will help us narrow things down and give us more definite direction. Email [email protected] with your areas of interest. We would love to know your ideas and suggestions!

We love to help you celebrate Hungarian heritage in the ways that matter to you! If you have an idea or suggestion for us, we would love to hear it! If you would rather talk it over on the phone, give me a call at 1-800-786-7851.

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