Getting Started with Genealogy Part 3
July 9, 2022
Hungarian Living
Hungarian Living
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 3

Episode 52

Hey there! This is part 3 of the icipici series of the Hungarian Living podcast on Getting Started with Genealogy. I bet you are wondering why we are doing all these icipici assignments. Well, let me tell you. If you have are interested in getting a handle on your genealogy and you don’t know where to start, tackling these icipici assignments will help get you on your way! If you haven’t listened to parts 1 and 2, be sure to do that!

Part 1

Part 2

Today’s assignment is for you to track down the religious affiliation of the people you listed out in Part 1 of this ici-pici podcast. Click on the links above to catch up!

Knowing the religious affiliation of your people is important for a number of reasons, and particularly when you are trying to look through church records. Sometimes cemeteries are designated by religious affiliation. Sometimes knowing a religious affiliation helps understand more about the religious habits and rituals of our ancestral families. In general, the more we know about our families, the more light is shed on their lives and sometimes we not only understand them better, but it helps us understand ourselves!

Be sure to check out The Hungarian Store for more resources as you explore your Hungarian heritage!

Would you like extra assistance with your genealogy research? Check out our offer HERE!

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