Szaloncukor is a Hungarian candy that is wrapped in foil and can be hung on the Christmas tree. It is customary in Hungarian homes to hang these beautifully wrapped candies on the Christmas tree as a decoration. Traditionally,
Hungarian Living Podcast
Our podcast serves as encouragement for you to learn about your Hungarian heritage through interesting interviews with all kinds of folks who work hard to keep their Hungarian heritage alive. If you have a topic or guest suggestion for the podcast, please contact us at [email protected]
Celebrating the Christmas Season with Hungarian Style Part 1
December 6th is the name day of Miklós, and children especially love this day because for them it is Mikulás Nap. The Hungarian Santa, called Mikulás, visits children on December 6th, St. Nicholas Day.
Traveling to Hungary Part 8
Find other ways to minimize your daily routine. Do not bring along strongly scented perfumes or lotions. If you are traveling with a group of people, the chances are very high that someone will have a perfume allergy. But, even if they don’t, just remember YOUR favorite scent may not be someone else’s. And if everyone wears their favorite scent – oh boy. It just gets to be too much!
Traveling to Hungary Part 7
What do you need to do? Get to know your phone and get to know your plan. Believe me, if you hit the wrong button while you are traveling, you can spend a lot of your data in a very short amount of time and not even know. Don’t count on others to know what is going on with your phone and your plan.
Traveling to Hungary Part 6
Have you noticed? Even making your way across the USA by plane is a bit crazy these days.
If you are skilled at making flight reservations and you have travel points you want to use, by all means, make your own reservations. But when it comes to flying, you have a few things to consider like…
Traveling to Hungary Part 5
Some people have asked me, “Isn’t everything worth seeing in Hungary in Budapest? Is it necessary to go the countryside?”
Traveling to Hungary Part 4
Hungary is a part of the European Union so you can use Euros in Budapest. But I really recommend you get familiar with the Hungarian Forint. If you go out to the countryside, that is really the currency they will be using. I have only ever used forints when I have traveled to Hungary. It’s truly the local currency. It takes a little getting used to but with a little cheat sheet of some USD – HUF conversions, you will soon find yourself able to understand how much you are paying for things.
Traveling to Hungary Part 3
I have mixed feelings about having cell phones on a trip. Let me just say, there are some great cameras on cell phones and that is probably my favorite thing about having a phone along. And while it is awesome to be able to take amazing photos, it is also very distracting — for the photo taker.
Traveling to Hungary Part 2
Budapest certainly has a great transportation system, but if you only travel by bus, taxi, tram or metro you will be missing out on a lot. In fact, you might spend more time trying to understand all that, especially if you don’t speak Hungarian then you would if you just decided a nice walk will get you to where you want to go, I love every form of travel and there are certainly benefits to each. But there are some hidden gems in places where you have to walk.
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