Welcome! Isten hozott!
Want to discover, celebrate, and share Hungarian heritage? Opportunities are all around. Let’s get started!
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Explore Your Heritage
Discover unique do-it-yourself projects rooted in Hungarian culture.
There are so many great organizations and businesses that are committed to sharing Hungarian heritage! Check out a few of our favorites!
Browse our collection of items that will help you share Hungarian heritage with the ones you love!
Get in the kitchen and celebrate Hungarian culture with wonderful recipes and “kitchen conversations”!
Dive into the traditions, history,
and language of Hungary.
Let’s go! Hungary is an amazing place to visit! Budapest is beautiful, but you don’t want to miss out on the countryside.
Stay In Touch!
Want to receive our e-newsletters, stay up-to-date on our tours to Hungary and Transylvania, or receive our catalog by mail? Sign up!
What’s New
Our podcast and blog posts are a great way to learn how to connect with your Hungarian heritage!
Our Podcast
Our Posts

Upcoming Hungarian Events
Get connected with Hungarian events that are happening all around the United States and beyond! If you have an event you would like us to add, please email the digital poster to [email protected] and we’ll get it posted!

Our Learning Opportunities in 2024
We are hosting a wide variety of classes online these days with the goal of helping you make a deeper connection with Hungarian heritage and culture. It's great to enjoy these classes from the comfort of your own home! Visit The Hungarian Store -- Online Classes to...

2023 Let’s Cook Hungarian Challenge
Since 2018, we have been hosting the Let’s Cook Hungarian Challenge. The main goal of this program is to get you into your kitchen and encourage you to make some delicious Hungarian foods and desserts so they are a regular part of your rotation for celebrations and special events.

Hungarian Language Learning Opportunities
We get it! Learning Hungarian is hard work, especially for an adult! But, if you want to get more out of your genealogy research, more out of your travels to Hungary, communicate better with your relatives in Hungary, or be able to understand some of those old letters, written in Hungarian,

Celebrating Holidays in December with a Hungarian Touch
With Mikulás Nap right around the corner and the importance of planning ahead for holiday baking, we want to encourage you to be thinking about how you share your Hungarian heritage during December. Food is often present at holiday gatherings and sharing family recipes is a natural way to pass on some wonderful Hungarian tastes.

Diaspora Scholarship in Hungary
There are many opportunities to study in Hungary, some also have scholarships provided so the expense on your end is minimal. This one has a quick application deadline so I encourage you to make your move quickly if you want to explore this idea!
We've been working on a new project!
Want to discover, celebrate, and share Hungarian heritage and culture in the ways that matter most to you? We would love to share more details!

We offer a variety of books, foods, and gifts for all ages with a unique focus on Hungarian heritage.