Getting Started with Genealogy Part 2
July 4, 2022
Hungarian Living
Hungarian Living
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 2

Episode 51

Hi! This is part 2 of the icipici series of the Hungarian Living podcast on Getting Started with Genealogy. Today’s assignment is for you to track down the birthdates and death dates for the various people you listed in Part 1. If you missed that assignment, here is a link to that episode Getting Started with Genealogy Part 1.

I am terrible with birthdays. If you are the person who absolutely expects me to remember your birthday every year, I am 100% sure I will disappoint you somewhere along the way. But, knowing birth and death dates is important for genealogy work. And sometimes it just offers you interesting information. For example, my husband, his sister, and his brother each have their birthdays within a 21 day period but, of course, their birth years are different. Their births are really clustered together on the calendar. On my side of the family, I have 3 siblings. My two older brothers have birthdays within two weeks of one another and my younger brother and I were born within two weeks of one another.  Does it mean a whole lot? Probably not, but it is interesting to notice potential patterns.

When it comes to dates of death, pay attention. As you were growing up you may have noticed there was a somber time of year in your home but you had no idea it coincided with the anniversary of a death of a loved one. It isn’t unusual that there is a pattern of solemness or sadness that casts a shadow on the family during what might ordinarily be a joyful time. Noting the death dates might help you recognize a pattern you didn’t even realize was there.

And while we are on the topic of death, obituaries often contain very interesting information about the life of the deceased. Anytime you have access to an obituary or even a simple prayer card, you may find important clues to life events that will help you in your research.

Be sure to check out Hungarian Living for more resources as you explore your Hungarian heritage!

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