Hungarian Living Podcast

Our podcast serves as encouragement for you to learn about your Hungarian heritage through interesting interviews with all kinds of folks who work hard to keep their Hungarian heritage alive. If you have a topic or guest suggestion for the podcast, please contact us at [email protected]

A Survey of Hungarian History

A Survey of Hungarian History

A Survey of Hungarian History Class Register Here! Today on the podcast I am talking about our upcoming Survey of Hungarian History class. Stay tuned to learn more about it Hi it’s Liz and welcome to this episode of the Hungarian Living Podcast. When I visit Hungary,...

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Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling Workshop

Storytelling Workshop: Recording your family's story for future generations How can we share our treasured memories with future generations? Hi, it’s Liz and today we are talking about our upcoming storytelling workshop: recording family memories for the next...

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Valentine Freebie

Valentine Freebie

Today on the podcast I am going to tell you about a freebie you don’t want to miss out on Hi! It’s Liz! And We’ve got a quick bonus episode for you – If you know us, you know we love to find fun ways to encourage you as you share your Hungarian heritage with the ones...

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What is Hungarian Living?

What is Hungarian Living?

What is Hungarian Living? On this episode of the podcast I am going to explain a bit about the concept behind the phrase Hungarian Living and why we use it. Hello! It’s Liz and today we are talking about the term “Hungarian Living”. Why we use it, what we mean by it,...

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Regions of Hungary: Treasures of the Countryside

Regions of Hungary: Treasures of the Countryside

Regions of Hungary: Treasures of the Countryside Hello! Hello! We will be doing a series of free online travel webinars. Have you registered yet? More details on this special opportunity coming up in this episode! Hey - It’s Liz with The Hungarian Living Podcast. If...

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So you want to learn Hungarian!

So you want to learn Hungarian!

So, you want to learn Hungarian? I don’t want to scare you away from this exciting challenge! Coming up in this episode of The Hungarian Living Podcast are some things you want to think about as you consider studying Hungarian. Welcome to The Hungarian Living Podcast....

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On the Road Getting to Hungary

On the Road Getting to Hungary

After not traveling to or from Hungary since December 2019, I was pretty sure I had forgotten all my little tricks and tips for traveling. So, really, up until the last minute, I was adjust and readjusting what I was carrying along for the plane, what I was checking and all that stuff. I think I did ok. I arrived in one piece

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We offer a variety of books, foods, and gifts for all ages with a unique focus on Hungarian heritage.