by Liz | Oct 30, 2021 | Learn, Learning Hungarian, Our Class offerings
We get it! Learning Hungarian is hard work, especially for an adult! But, if you want to get more out of your genealogy research, more out of your travels to Hungary, communicate better with your relatives in Hungary, or be able to understand some of those old...
by Liz | Oct 17, 2021 | Learn, Learning Hungarian
I am always fascinated about how families handle Hungarian language challenges. When I heard Lori’s story, I asked if it could be shared and she agreed. Enjoy. ~ Liz “Nagyon jó! Miért nem találkozunk egy ideig beszélgetni?” I think that’s what...
by Liz | Oct 15, 2021 | Create, Do It Yourself Projects
When I saw this project, I reached out to Dorothy and asked if she would share her story! It’s lovely and inspirational! Do you have pieces of embroidery that can inspire you in some way? ~ Liz My mothers family is from Budapest. I believe my fathers family was...
by Liz | Oct 5, 2021 | Learn, Our Class offerings
Music makes an impression — even when we don’t know what the words mean! Do you recall your parents or grandparents singing certain songs in Hungarian? There may be several Hungarian songs are a part of the oral tradition in your family. Maybe you remember singing...