Why do families Americanize their names? I think each family has their reasons – sometimes it has to do with fitting in a little better in the “new land”. But, it also might have come about in order to separate themselves from the other branch of the family.
Hungarian Living Podcast
Our podcast serves as encouragement for you to learn about your Hungarian heritage through interesting interviews with all kinds of folks who work hard to keep their Hungarian heritage alive. If you have a topic or guest suggestion for the podcast, please contact us at [email protected]
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 6
I want to encourage you to seek out the oldest member of your blood relatives and ask them the same questions that you had to answer in the Part 1 of the icipici edition of Hungarian Living podcast on Getting Started with Genealogy.
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 5
Once you start working on your grandparents and learning about their family of origin, you are starting to make connections with extended family. Are there people who are alive and in your family tree but you haven’t hardly heard a thing about them? Sometimes family members get lost when there is a death or divorce, but sometimes there are family disagreements.
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 4
Episode 53 Today’s assignment on the Icipici Edition of the Hungarian Living Podcast is for you to track down the birth and death locations of the people you listed in Part I. If you missed that assignment, here is a link to that first podcast in this series....
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 3
Knowing the religious affiliation of your people is important for a number of reasons, and particularly when you are trying to look through church records. Sometimes cemeteries are designated by religious affiliation.
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 2
Knowing birth and death dates is important for genealogy work. And sometimes it just offers you interesting information.
Getting Started with Genealogy Part 1
Whether or not you are into genealogy, there are some things you should write down for other generations. If you don’t have kids or siblings, it is still important. Why? Because you probably have first, second, or third cousins or other family members who may need or want the information, they just don’t know it yet. And, let me tell you, no one knows your own family details like you do! But, even if there is no one else in your family to share the information with, your story is important!
Dobo’s Delights
In this episode of the Hungarian Living podcast I visit with Cindy Dobo of Dobo’s Delights, a bakery based in Piqua, Ohio but that ships around the U.S.
Pictures and Old Letters
Do you have photos or letters that the children or grandchildren of your siblings or nieces or nephews or cousins might appreciate? Do you have some things in your possession that are better served with a different branch of the family?
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