This artwork is based on a photo of the Szechenyi Bridge in Budapest, Hungary as it was in 1890 (see photo below). Here is what the artist, Albert Turak, has to say: The inspiration behind the drawing began when my father left Hungary in 1928 and brought the photo of...
Christmas Cards with a Magyar Touch
A few year ago, we had a card making party with some "crafty" friends. If you are not a person who is naturally craft-oriented, I recommend you surround yourself with those who are because it is fun to do with a person who knows what they are doing! What you should...
Queen of Hungary’s Water
by Jennifer Jacobs, Jacobs Heritage Farm It’s the end of the farm season in Ohio and I’m standing in the kitchen of our old farmhouse surveying all of the beautiful and fragrant herbs and plants that I dried throughout the summertime after harvesting them from my...
Learning Hungarian
Here is a little history of my exposure to Hungarian and some practical ideas for incorporating some Hungarian into your life. Three of my four grandparents were born in Hungary and came to the USA in the early 1900s. My parents were both born in the US but, with...
World War I Collectibles
A few years ago, I visited with Giorgio about World War 1 collectibles with Hungarian connections. His wife, Olga, was one of my Hungarian instructors at the Debreceni Nyari Egyetem. Giorgio has been able to turn his love for and knowledge about World War I items into...
Hungarian Music in our Family
Our family originally came from Hungary between 1890-1927. Three of our grandparents were born in Hungary but came to the United States as children. One of our grandmothers was born in the United States but most of her siblings were born in Hungary--she just happened...
A Hungarian Family History Project
I "met" Terie through Facebook several years ago and I am always amazed at the time and talent and creativity she uses when baking! She does a great job with Hungarian themes and has a heart that loves to research and share. I think Alex and his family are blessed...
The May Tree or Május Fa
If you travel to Hungary at the right time of year and you get to the countryside, you might see a May Tree! Here is some information about this tradition, which is still practiced in some areas of Hungary today! Have any of you ladies ever received a "Május Fa" a...
You know you are from a Hungarian family when….
You know you are from a Hungarian family when.... We had many submissions from family and friends for this project and it has been a lot of fun to compile this list. Thank you for the many contributions! We tried to narrow the list down to the ones that have the most...
Common Table Prayer in Hungarian
Here is the version of the Common Table Prayer in Hungarian we used in our home as I was growing up: Kedves Jézus légy vendégünk áldd meg amit adtál nékünk. Ámen. Dear Lord Jesus, be our guest. Let this food by thee be blest. Amen. I taught this to our four children...
Weary Travelers: A Different Look at The Hungarian Revolution of 1956
I have had the pleasure and privilege of meeting so many wonderful people who came to the United States as a direct result of the Hungarian Revolution. Many are incredibly hard working and educated people who came with nothing in their pockets and, due to language...
Hungarian Christmas Carol Project
I suspect there are many aging Hungarian speakers in the US either homebound, in an assisted living facility or in a nursing home. I would like to encourage you to get 3 or more people together who enjoy singing (they don’t even have to be Hungarian) consider learning and singing a few Hungarian Christmas carols this Christmas season for people who might truly appreciate them.
Recent Posts
Genealogy Episode Roundup!
A frequent topic at Hungarian Living is genealogy research, especially since we have spent so much time working on it ourselves. Below, we compiled a list of all genealogy episodes of the Hungarian Living Podcast.
Traditional Hungarian Dress
I was poking around on Instagram a while back and noticed these stunning photos from a variety of Hungarian folk regions. I reached out to Marcsi and we had a delightful conversation about her heritage and the work she does. Posted here is just a snippet of her thoughts on these few photos, but there are many, many more photos on Instagram, each with interesting commentary.
Hungarian History & Culture Classes
Hungarian History & Culture I & II are each 10 weeks long. Click here to listen to the Hungarian Living Podcast where I interview Gergely,...
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