Common Table Prayer in Hungarian

Common Table Prayer in Hungarian

Here is the version of the Common Table Prayer in Hungarian we used in our home as I was growing up: Kedves Jézus légy vendégünk áldd meg amit adtál nékünk. Ámen. Dear Lord Jesus, be our guest. Let this food by thee be blest. Amen. I taught this to our four children...

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Hungarian Christmas Carol Project

Hungarian Christmas Carol Project

I suspect there are many aging Hungarian speakers in the US either homebound, in an assisted living facility or in a nursing home. I would like to encourage you to get 3 or more people together who enjoy singing (they don’t even have to be Hungarian) consider learning and singing a few Hungarian Christmas carols this Christmas season for people who might truly appreciate them.

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Hungarian Christmas Carols

Hungarian Christmas Carols

I grew up hearing these lovely Christmas carols in Hungarian. I am sure hearing the sounds of Hungarian -- and repeating them -- has helped me in my pronunciation as I have been more intentional about learning Hungarian in the last several years. I am thankful my mom...

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Our Family Visit to Hungary

Our Family Visit to Hungary

After several years of saving money, in May of 2012 our family of six took a trip to Hungary. My husband was the mastermind behind the trip planning and factored in the various interests of our diverse family. His patience and research skills have always been amazing!...

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Our Family Connections in Hungary

Our Family Connections in Hungary

Many of you know we were able to go to Hungary in May 2012 as a family. What a wonderful experience! Yes, we saw the beautiful countryside. Yes, we saw amazing architecture, and, yes, we ate some incredible meals. But then there was the best part of the trip: Meet...

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Hungarian Christmas Caroling

Hungarian Christmas Caroling

Music is a universal language and in our family we experienced a lot of exposure to music growing up. We had a baby grand piano in our living room so we made good use of it by taking piano lessons along with some violin lessons for good measure. Almost all of the kids...

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Hungarian Name Days

Hungarian Name Days

Boldog Névnapot! Happy Name Day! Hungarians celebrate birthdays and name days! Name days are special days celebrated on a day designated for particular names. These days are picked mainly based on religious traditions and historical events and the day is celebrated in...

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Recent Posts

Traditional Hungarian Dress

I was poking around on Instagram a while back and noticed these stunning photos from a variety of Hungarian folk regions. I reached out to Marcsi and we had a delightful conversation about her heritage and the work she does. Posted here is just a snippet of her thoughts on these few photos, but there are many, many more photos on Instagram, each with interesting commentary.

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